Los Arqueros Golf faithful to its environmental and quality policy

Los Arqueros Golf faithful to its environmental and quality policy

Los Arqueros Golf renewed its ISO 14001 environmental management certificate last week with a good punctuation by the auditors of “Lloyds Register”. Its first certificate was on December 17, year 2003. This is the first environmental golf course on the Costa del Sol to have this certification. The second of Andalusia and the third of Spain. Los Arqueros Golf also has another certification, in Quality: UNE 188.001. Both certificates are audited by “Lloyds Register”.

Today there are several certifications or stamps recognized by official bodies, such as EMAS, ISO 14001, AUDUBON and GEO. The ISO 14001 is perhaps the most widespread among all environmental management systems worldwide, the norm promoted by International Organization for Standardization proposes a series of general guidelines whose strict compliance allows the adoption of a certifiable environmental management system recognized by companies, organizations, institutions and public administrations.

Implementing a management system of environmental management system (IS0 14001) and quality (specific to golf: UNE 188.001) is a tool for internal organization. These systems serve as a platform to control the organization and its processes, in order to achieve a quality service that meets the requirements and expectations of the client. When a company implements a management system, it is working with a structured and orderly system based on the principles of modern management. This allows the company to reduce its operating costs, and implement three paradigms: achieve the commitment to respect and take care of all environmental aspects, customer satisfaction, and create the basis to make the continuous improvement of their processes a reality. In the golf sector, an environmental approach (course maintenance and management) is essential to achieve its legal commitments, social acceptance, and subsequently commercialization. This environmental condition acquires so much relevance in golf for several reasons:

A golf course produces waste (outputs), consumes raw materials (inputs) and performs activities (processes) that make it necessary to apply some kind of environmental control over them. In addition to the general aspects to be taken into account, such as the optimization of the consumptions of the materials of the club house and the habitual of the course, the use of the energy used in the facilities, the control of the generated waste or the empowerment from the reuse and recycling of materials, other key points in environmental management must be addressed, such as the control of animal and plant species, the use of land, the use of phytosanitary substances and water management.

It is in short a commitment of Los Arqueros Golf with the environment, quality and clients.

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