Local Rules
In addition to the Local rules, the Permanent Local Rules of the Real Federación Andaluza de Golf, (RFAG) edition 2018 and Rules of Golf will apply.
1.-Out of bounds
Defined by white stakes, white lines, perimeter fences and/or stone walls (inside of the wall).
2.- Ground Under Repair
Defined by stakes and blue lines. The game is prohibited from ground under repair.
3.-Immovable obstructions.- Rule 24/2
Artificially surface roads, WC, grids, distance stakes, sprinkler heads, and the green painted metal irrigations boxes. The protection fences on the tees of holes 4 and 18 are considered Immovable obstructions.
4.-Movable instructions
Stones in the bunkers.
5. Dropping Zones on holes 1, 6, 13 and 16
As an additional option under Rule 26.-1 for a ball in the water hazard, the player may drop a ball under penalty of one stroke, in the areas marked (ZD / DZ) enabled ahead of Ladies tees. Except in the hole 1 for those balls that have enter the hazard between the “multi colour” stake and the back of the Green.
6.- The use of GPS
Is allowed in competitions.
7.- Embedded ball
Relief extended from tee to green (Local permanent Local Rules RFAG 2018.
8. Tree Roots
For those balls that lies on or near bare roots in fairway areas (closely-mown), they may have relief to interference for the lie of the ball under rule 25.1.
Competition Rules
All competitions will be conducted in strict conformity with the Rules of Golf, and the “Los Arqueros Golf Local Rules”
[iceaccordion theme=”simple”][accordionslide title=”General”]The Committee in charge of all competitions is the “Los Arqueros Golf Competition Committee” “The Committee”.
The committee will appoint someone to set up the course for each competition, this will normally be the greens staff.
The competition tees will for men be the yellow stones, and for ladies the red stones. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Eligibility”]Entry will normally be limited to Members of Los Arqueros Golf, who hold an Active Spanish Federation Handicap. Other members can play to obtain a valid round for handicap purposes. If tee times permit, a members guest may play up to four times a year but will be outside the competition.[/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Entry / Registration”]Entry to competitions is via the signup sheet on the club notice board. Entry should be completed 48 hours before the competition, late entry may or may not be possible.
Entry fees are normally 5 euro per 18 holes, unless notified differently on the signup sheet. Entry fees must be paid even by a no show unless the caddy master is informed. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=Format]The Committee will determine the type of Competition e.g. Stroke Play, Stableford, Match Play, handicap allowance. Unless stated there will be only one handicap class. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Starting Times and Groups”]Once notified should not be changed. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=Handicap]Maximum allowances will be 26.4 for men and 36 for ladies. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Ties Decisions”]The Committee will decide ties by lowest playing handicap, secondly by a scorecard count back.[/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Prizes”]Eligibility for prizes will be limited to players with an active Spanish Federation handicap. The Committee will announce in advance the prizes that are to be awarded in the competition.
For a normal weekly mens competition this will be 1st 50%. 2nd 30% 3rd 20% of the entry fees. However in a large field there may be more prizes and/or categories. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Marshalls”]The directions of a marshal regarding pace of play must be followed. Failure to follow these will result in: – 1st offence a warning, 2nd offence one stroke penalty, 3rd offence disqualification. Further any player, team, or group, loosing two holes on the group in front, without good reason may be penalised two strokes per player.[/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Suspensions of play”]Due to bad weather as directed by a Marshal, the Captain or their representative, must be followed. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Dress Code”]Los Arqueros Golf Club must be followed.[/accordionslide][accordionslide title=Etiquette]Any player may be disqualified for a serious breach of etiquette. [/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Mobile Phones”]The ringing of a mobile phones during a round is not permitted, (penalty one stroke).[/accordionslide][accordionslide title=”Cards”]All score cards must be returned to the caddie master immediately after a completed round. [/accordionslide][/iceaccordion]
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