SECTION I – The difference between company and club. the club’s name, aims and registered office
SECTION II – Requirements and procedures for acquiring and losing membership
SECTION III – Rights and responsibilities of members
SECTION IV – Representational, governing and administrative bodies
SECTION V – Financial system and documentation
SECTION VI – Fees, opening times and use of the golf course, rules of the game and special rules
The difference between company and club, the club’s name, aims and registered office
“LOS ARQUEROS GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB” was founded for the recreation of its members and for the practice of one or several sports, primarily golf. These regulations cover the relationships between the members and describe the different types of member. They also describe the governing and administrative bodies.
These regulations are open and shall incorporate any resolutions agreed by the Company’s General Meeting, which is the Club’s sovereign body, and its Governing Board, which is the governing and administrative body, which may be adopted as regulations All applicable precepts contained in the Company by-laws are an integral part of these regulations.
For the purposes of these regulations, a distinction is made between:
THE COMPANY,“Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.” limited company inscribed in the Mercantile Register, which is a profit-oriented organisation owning the land and all the golf course facilities and other complementary facilities, and whose stock is the property of its various shareholders.
THE CLUB, which has no independent legal character outside the Company, and comprises all the combined Company shareholders; these may be individuals, persons designated as users of the facilities by shareholders which are legal entities or community property, and family members of those shareholders admitted as members; persons using the facilities on a temporary basis as Temporary members, and persons distinguished with the title of Honorary members, all of whom are, as specified in these regulations, equally party to the resolutions and decisions of the Board, and are entitled to use the facilities belonging to the Company, either for playing golf and other sports or games, or for any other social and recreational activities.
The shares of “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.” shall expressly mention these internal regulations and the date they were approved, and their complementary regulations.
The golf club shall be called “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club” and shall have the following logo or symbol:
The club’s purpose is the playing and promotion of the game of golf, and the practice and promotion of any other sporting and recreational activities validly agreed by the Company authorities.
As a consequence of the above, the Club shall be affiliated, through the Company, to the Royal Spanish Golf Federation and the Andalusian Golf Federation, and may also register, with a secondary nature, with any other Federations which may be necessary or recommendable for other sports or games.
The Club’s head office is located in the clubhouse on the premises, at Crta. De Ronda (A-397), Km. 44,5, Benahavís (29679), Malaga.
The Club’s official language is Spanish, and all documents and records will be drawn up in this language.
However, given the diversity of nationalities among the members and users of the Club’s facilities, English and German will be used as second languages.
Any members wishing to receive the club documents in English or German may request this service, with the translation at their own expense. In case of doubt or interpretation, the Spanish text will prevail.
Requirements and procedures for acquiring and losing membership
Members of the Club will be held to be any persons acquiring a share in the “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.” limited company, or any persons designated as such by legal entities or community property who acquire shares, provided that these acquisitions have been made according to art. 8 of the Company by-laws, or the shares have been transferred by the company of “Taylor Woodrow de España, S.A.Unipersonal”.
If a shareholder so wishes, it may designate a different individual for each share as a beneficiary of the use of the facilities. The designation may be changed by means of a written application. However this change will not take effect until the corresponding fees have been paid and the new designation has been accepted by the Club’s Admissions Committee.
Until these shares have been transferred, any commitments undertaken with “Taylor Woodrow de España, S.A.Unipersonal” to acquire them in the future, or the shares acquired as specified in these commitments, will held to be in force.
The ownership of a share or the undertaking to purchase it, obtained according to the specifications, shall automatically determine membership status.
If the owner of the share or the undertaking to acquire it is a legal entity, company, or a community property, they may designate an individual as the beneficiary of the use of the facilities. The designation may be changed by means of a written application. However this change will not take effect until the corresponding fees have been paid and the new designation has been accepted by the Club’s Admissions Committee.
Persons in the member’s family may also acquire membership, according to article 7.
Membership shall be accredited by means of the corresponding card which the Club will provide to the member; this will include a photograph, his or her first and last names, national ID or passport number, and type of membership.
The Club has the following types of member:
These are individuals owning a share or an undertaking to acquire one.
The acquisition of a share or an undertaking made according to the specifications automatically determines the status of shareholder member with all the rights and obligations specified in Section III. In the case of legal entities, the members shall be those individuals designated by the shareholder as users of the facilities.
Designated members are those individuals designated by the holder of a share, with one share to each person, for the use of the facilities. Designated members may use the facilities and services and may be elected to the Board and any Committees which may be created, but they personally will not have more than one single vote.
Family members are the spouse or regular partner and any unmarried children under 21 of the “main” member, whether he or she be a Shareholder member or a Designated member, and who have been admitted as a “Family member” by the Admissions Committee. Cohabitation with the “main” member is an essential condition for membership.
In the case of the decease of a Shareholder member, the spouse or regular partner and the unmarried children under 21 may continue to be Family members, until such time as the spouse or regular partner remarries or the children reach the age of 21.
Honorary members are those members or non-members to whom the Company’s General Meeting, at the proposal of the Governing Board, has granted this status in recognition of their merits or qualities, or for outstanding service to the Club. Honorary members shall be exempt from payment of maintenance fees and also of fees for use of the services, if this is agreed at the time of their appointment.
Temporary members are those individuals admitted as such for a minimum period of three months and under the conditions agreed by the Admissions Committee. Family members of these Temporary members may also be admitted.
Given that this Club is intended for exclusive use by the Shareholder members and their families, the Company’s Governing Board may at any time suspend the admission of this type of members.
Shareholder members and Designated members may be accompanied in the club facilities by their guests, and additionally when playing games and sports. The Board of Directors shall establish regulations regarding the maximum number of guests at any time, rates and other conditions of admission and attendance.
The Governing Board may agree to set up reciprocal arrangements with other Clubs so that the members of other Clubs may make use of the facilities and play sports under the conditions that may be established, provided that the members of this Club are accorded similar privileges in the other club.
Occasional users are considered to be those persons who, on paying an admission fee to the club facilities and recreational areas or any playing fees that may be in effect, may use the facilities without the need to be accompanied by a member.
The Board of Directors will establish the conditions for these admissions.
The acquisition of a share or the undertaking to acquire a share from the company “Taylor Woodrow de España, S.A. Unipersonal” automatically entails membership of the Club as a Shareholder member, except as specified in art. 5 for legal entities, companies and community properties. All individuals acquiring shares shall be automatically registered in the Members’ Book as Shareholder, members, numbered correlatively by order of registration starting at 001.
In the event that the share or undertaking to purchase is acquired from a person other than “Taylor Woodrow de España, S.A.Unipersonal”, the Admissions Committee, designated by the Governing Board, will decide on whether or not to approve the admission of the member.
If the share or the undertaking to purchase is acquired by a legal entity, company or community property, that legal entity must notify the Admissions Committee of the name of the individual who will use the facilities as a member, who will decide on whether or not to approve the admission of the member.
For the spouse and unmarried children under 21 of a Shareholder member to be admitted as Family members, it will suffice to notify the Admissions Committee to this effect, providing proof of relationship and age if so required, and to pay the membership fees determined by the Governing Board for these admissions.
The Admissions Committee shall only decide in the case of Family members when the person who requests this type of membership is a regular live-in partner of the Shareholder member without any other legal connection, and invokes this cohabitation as the reason for admission.
Regarding Temporary members, the Admissions Committee shall follow any instructions it receives in this respect from the Board of Directors or the Club Board through the appropriate channels.
Membership may be lost:
A) Due to the member’s own wishes:
Due to the member’s own wishes and as a result of having transferred his or her share or undertaking to purchase, according to the regulations and requirements which enable this transfer. This termination does not imply the expiry or cancellation of any outstanding fees for maintenance or use or any other item which may be owed by the member.
B) Due to failure to pay:
Due to failure to pay the club fees or any other debts with the Club. In case of non-payment, from the date on which the member is under obligation to pay, he or she will be liable to an immediate penalty of 200.00 plus a 20% surcharge for late payment, calculated on a daily basis. The Board will grant the member a grace period of one month to make the payment, with a warning that if at the end of this period payment is still outstanding, membership will be cancelled. This will not affect any pertinent legal claims which may be made to obtain payment.
The share or undertaking to purchase will constitute a specific liability in these cases, as it will serve as a guarantee without transfer of ownership, for the financial obligation to pay the fees or any other debts to the Company. In connection with this, the Company will issue, at the request of the share purchaser, a statement of the transferor’s account.
C) Due to serious misconduct:
By a resolution of the Governing Board, for committing offences of a seriousness such as to warrant loss of membership according to the Club’s disciplinary regulations, if this is decided by the General Meeting, or otherwise according to the disciplinary regulations of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation. The share or undertaking to purchase shall be acquired by the Company for itself or for any person it may designate, at its current value determined according to art. 8 of the by-laws of the company “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.” and any pertinent legal limitations.
In cases b) and c), proceedings will be opened, and the member will be notified that legal action has been initiated so that he or she may make any relevant declarations. The member will be also be notified of any resolutions passed and the possibilities of appeal. Decisions regarding loss of membership will take effect forthwith, and they will remain in effect during the appeals process.
Rights and responsibilities of members
To contribute to the specific aims of the Club, that is, the participation in recreational and sporting activities, particularly golf, by its members.
To use and enjoy all the Club’s recreational and sporting facilities, in observance of the resolutions by the Company’s General Meeting and Governing Board and the Club’s Board of Directors and of the specifications contained in theregulations and manuals.
To observe strictly the rules of etiquette, courtesy, politeness and good manners in the clubhouse and sports facilities, and particularly in relations with other members. No member shall at any time notify the Club staff of an offence, but will make the offence and its perpetrator known to the manager or to his or her representatives.
To look after the Club’s facilities and services as though they were his or her own, as is indeed the case of Shareholder members. Acts of vandalism or which cause serious damage to the facilities and services which are attributable to a member, albeit an underage family member, will be reason for temporary or definitive suspension, with the main member being held responsible for the damages caused.
To provide an address for notifications and details of a bank account for payment of fees.
To pay all sums owing for maintenance fees, use of facilities and services and generally speaking, any amount owed which arises from his or her condition of member. The share or undertaking to purchase will constitute a specific liability in these cases, as it will serve as a guarantee without transfer of ownership, for the financial obligation to pay the fees or any other debts to the Company.
In connection with this, the Company will issue, at the request of the share purchaser, a statement of the transferor’s account.
Representational, governing and administrative bodies
The legal representation of the Club, for acts and transactions of this nature, corresponds to the representative, governing and administrative bodies of the “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.”
The representation of the Club in social and sporting events, and on the Boards or in the bodies of the Federations of which they are members, may be awarded by the Company’s General Meeting or Governing Board or by the Board of Directors to persons who are members of the Club but are not on the Governing Board.
The administration of the Club, as it has no separate legal character, is the responsibility of the Company’s Governing Board. However the Board of Directors may delegate these functions to a Finance Committee composed of Shareholder members, either with or without granting them powers to act in dealings with third parties.
To ensure the best administration of the Club, the Company’s General Meeting and Board of Directors may create any committees they deem necessary and assign them the relevant authority.
The following committees will be created initially:
Admissions Committee, composed of five Shareholder members and chaired by the oldest member, with the youngest member as the secretary. This committee will be appointed initially by the Company.
Competitions Committee for golf, composed of a chairman or “course captain” and the delegates for the categories of handicap, young people and children, professionals and any others which may be necessary or recommendable according to the guidelines of the Andalusian Golf Federation. These will be nominated from among the Shareholder members and elected by them.
Committee Activities and Social Relations, for organizing parties, recreational games and relationships with other teams, composed of three Members Shareholders appointed by and between Members.
The Club Disciplinary Committee, composed of three members conversant with legal matters, nominated by Shareholder members from among their number, who will open any disciplinary proceedings and propose the appropriate penalties to the Club Board.
Offences will be classified as minor, serious and extremely serious.
The following will be considered minor offences:
a) carelessness in the use of the Club’s facilities, equipment and furniture, b) disrespectful behaviour to other Club members, c) inconsiderate behaviour towards Club staff, d) causing disturbances and taking part in violent arguments or any other behaviour described as such in the Disciplinary Regulations of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation or of the Andalusian Federation.
The following will be considered serious offences:
a) violation of the by-laws and of these Internal Regulations, b) disrespectful and inconsiderate behaviour towards the Chairman and the other members of the Board of Directors, c) wilful destruction of the Club’s furniture, equipment or property, e) allowing access to the Club to unauthorised persons, f) recurrent or repeated minor offences and g) any other behaviour described as serious in the Disciplinary Regulations of the federations mentioned above.
Very serious:
The following will be considered very serious offences:
a) physical or verbal abuse of the Chairman, any of the members of the Board of Directors or any club member or staff, b) the theft of objects or money belonging to the Club or to one of its members, c) recurrent or repeated serious offences and d) any other behaviour described as such in the aforementioned disciplinary regulations.
Minor offences will be penalised with a private verbal or written warning or with the suspension of membership rights for a period of no more than fifteen days. Serious offences will be penalised with a public warning or with the suspension of membership rights for a period of between fifteen days and three months, and very serious offences may be penalised with the suspension of membership
rights for between three months and one year or with expulsion.
For the imposition of all these penalties it will be necessary to open written disciplinary proceedings entailing at least the following procedures: a) A list of accusations against the member describing the alleged offence, b) a hearing so that declarations may be made within a period of not less than ten days, and any relevant proof may be presented and c) a reasoned ruling, with an indication of any possibilities of appeal.
In all cases the decision by the Disciplinary Committee may be appealed before the Board of Directors within a period of fifteen working days.
The Company’s Board of Directors shall create the Club Board, which will function as the Club’s Board of Directors.
This Board shall comprise all the chairmen of the current Committees, plus the Club Manager. The chairman will act as Club President, and will be whoever is chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors, and the Club Secretary will be whoever is the secretary of the Company’s Board of Directors.
This Board will not have legal powers of representation in dealings with third parties, but will represent the Club in social and sporting functions before the Golf Federation and other federations, if this is so agreed.
As the instrument responsible for the management of the Club, its functions and powers will be internal and designed to ensure the best use and enjoyment of the clubhouse and its sports and recreational facilities and the greatest possible degree of harmony between the members.
This will involve the following:
1. It will dictate rules and regulations to be observed by all the members for the use of the facilities and the practice of sports, games and recreation.
2. It will be able to penalise any antisocial behaviour, suspend members’ rights, and even withdraw membership, once the matter has been investigated by the Disciplinary Committee.
3. It can adopt measures pertaining to security and hygiene, and traffic regulations.
4. It can authorise any plans and projects, alterations and improvements agreed by the Board of Directors.
5. Its day-to-day management will be generally aimed at ensuring the smoothest possible operation of the Club and the clubhouse, recreational and sports facilities and an atmosphere of harmonious coexistence between all the members.
The Board of Directors of the Company “Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club, S.A.” will appoint a full-time paid Club Manager, who will act according to the instructions of and answer directly to the Board of Directors or its Executive Officers.
The Club Manager will have a seat on the Club’s Board of Directors if there is one, and if so, will co-ordinate the relations between the Club and the Company. In order to make this co-ordination as efficient as possible, he or she may suspend the execution of any resolutions by the Club’s Board of Directors which he or she deems may damage the interests of the Company or the Club, reporting immediately to the Board of Directors so that they may take the appropriate decision.
In addition:
1) The Club Manager will be the immediate supervisor of all the staff providing services in the Club with a work contract, including golf professionals, mastercaddies, etc.
2) The Club Manager will oversee the provision of services by the Club’s contractors, as well as the work of the bar and restaurant employees, golf professionals, etc.
3) The Club Manager will report to the Board of Directors on any repairs and improvements which he or she considers necessary.
4) The Club Manager will collect and safeguard, either in person or through his or her representatives, any cash and cheque deposits which are received in the Club facilities, and will be responsible for supervising the Club’s books and registers mentioned in art. 18.
5) The Club Manager will convene the Club Board, if there is one, in order to adopt all the pertinent agreements, and
6) The Club Manager will be responsible for all the operations of the Committees and the Board of Directors mentioned in arts. 13, 14 and 15 of these by-laws, until such time as all or part of these committees, or the Board itself, are constituted.
Financial system and documentation
The Club does not have its own assets or resources as it has no separate legal status.
Notwithstanding, the Company’s Board of Directors may provide the Club with funds from the fees for use of services and maintenance.
All the amounts collected and deposited by the Club for any concept will be dedicated to conservation and maintenance, or if necessary, improvements.
The Club will maintain at least the following books and registers, in addition to those which the Company is legally required to keep.
1. Members’ Register:
The Members’ Register, which shall include the first and last names, date of birth, national ID or passport number, address for notifications, bank address for standing orders, member number and representative, governing or administrative posts which the member may hold, or have held in the past, in the Club. It shall also contain the date membership started and ended, and the dates the member assumed and left the above-mentioned posts.
This book will also show, duly separated, the different types of member mentioned in art. 7.
2. Minute Book:
The Minute Book showing the meetings of the Club Board and of its committees, including at least the following information: date, number of participants, subjects discussed and resolutions passed.
3. Complaints Book:
The Complaints Book, so that all the members can state their complaints, duly signed, which will be forwarded to the Club’s Board of Directors.
4. Guest Book:
The Guest Book, in which members shall write by hand the name of any guests they may bring to the Club, and then sign, thereby accepting responsibility for the strict compliance by their guests with the rules of etiquette and social harmony.
5. Others:
Any other books and documents considered necessary, and particularly those required for recording the results of any competitions held.
All these books and documents may be maintained in their computerised versions.
Fees, opening times and use of the golf course, rules of the game and special rules
The aim of the company Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club is to enable its members to obtain maximum enjoyment from the golf course at a reasonable price. It is not the Club’s objective to obtain the greatest possible profits.
Every year the Company’s General Meeting will decide the maintenance fees to be charged the members in their various categories.
The fees for several family members are designed so that the spouse (or regular partner) and the children under 21 pay approximately 50% and 25% respectively of the fees corresponding to the Shareholder member.
For the financial year 2006 – 2007 the following fees have been established:
Total fee Membership (A)
Restricted fee Membership (B)
Type A | Total Fee | Type B | Restricted Fee |
Member | 1.000€ | Member | 500€ |
Spouse | 750€ | Spouse | 400€ |
Children under 16 | 500€ | Children under 16 | 300€ |
Children up to 21 | 500€ | Children up to 21 | 300€ |
Type A | Total Fee | Type B | Restricted Fee |
Member Green Fee | – | Member Green Fee | 25€ |
Spouse Green Fee | – | Spouse Green Fee | 25€ |
Children under 16 Green Fee | – | Children under 16 Green Fee | 12,50€ |
Children up to 21 Green Fee | – | Children up to 21 Green Fee | 25€ |
Green Fee | Price |
Commercial | 70€ |
TTOO/AAVV | 50€ |
Invitation | 49€ |
Tenants / Lodgers | 35€ |
Services | Tennis/Paddle | Buggies | Trolley | Spa-Fitness Center | Lockers |
Member | 1€ | 20 € | – | – | 5 € /mes |
Tenants / Lodgers | 5€ | 24€ | 2€ | 18€ | Not Available |
External Users | 10€ | 24€ | 3€ | 18€ | Not Available |
There will be a one-off administrative charge on every sale, transfer or surrender.
The amount of the transfer charge will be decided each year by the General Meeting.
The transfer charge will be applied every time a designated members changes his or her designation.
In the event that a member decides that neither he or she nor his or her family will be able to play in a particular period, he or she may surrender his or her rights to the Company, and thereby be exempted from maintenance charges. The member must present a written application to the Governing Board by no later than 30 October each year, to obtain exemption the following year.
The golf course will be open from dawn to dusk. The Club management reserves the right to close the course due to bad weather or for maintenance.
The opening times of the Caddie-Master, and therefore of the golf club room and for reserved starting times will be from 8 am until one hour after sunset.
The club’s office is open between 8 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday.
The Company has an industrial leasing contract with “Rusolof, S.L.” for the bar and restaurant located on the Club premises, which runs until 1 January, 2009. The Rusolof, S.L. company is run by Mr. Miguel Rus Villa and Mr. Lars Olof Erikson.
To play on the course, participants must hold the corresponding Federation license which will insure against any damage the player may cause during play.
In addition to the Federation licence, those players who do not have a handicap of at least one point lower than the maximum handicaps established by the Federation (currently 28 for gentlemen and 36 for ladies) will require explicit written authorisation from the Club’s instructor in order to use the course.
For junior categories, the age limits established by the Spanish Golf Federation will apply. Players aged between 11 and 16 may use the course accompanied by an adult if they have a handicap of not less than 24, and within the regulations and with the restrictions established by the Competitions Committee in periods and at times when there are the greatest number of players on the course.
Pending availability, members may reserve starting times no more than 24 hours in advance.
If a member has made a reservation and does not appear or arrives more than 15 minutes late, this will be considered a minor offence. Repeated non-appearance, more than 3 times consecutively or 10 alternate times in any 12-month period, will be considered a serious offence.
In order to maintain control over starting times and to establish correct organisation in the use of the Course, no player may begin the course except at those holes indicated for this purpose. The Competitions Committee may authorise exceptions to this rule.
It is forbidden to enter the course from the adjoining properties to begin a round.
No owner of property adjoining the course or of any property whatsoever has the personal or actual right of access or direct entry to any of the rounds on the course.
It is forbidden to skip one or several holes on a round. The Competitions Committee or the Manager may authorise players to skip some of the holes on the round, in order to finish at the holes next to the clubhouse while daylight still holds.
The official rules of the game of golf (Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrews, in the Spanish Golf Federation Version) and local regulations will be observed.
These last rules will be printed in leaflets available from the Caddie-Master.
In addition to the above regulations, the usual rules of etiquette governing the game of golf will be observed, such as, for example, not practising in the middle of the rounds, yielding the right of way to faster games, replacing divots, repairing ball-marks and bunkers, etc., etc.
Players must be suitably attired as is customary for the sport. It is strictly forbidden to play with a bare torso and/or in a swimsuit.
Anyone not complying with this regulation my be ejected from the course by the Club’s security guards, if this fault is not corrected after a preliminary warning. The employee in charge of starts may refuse to allow anyone who appears in violation of this regulation to start.
Each player must have his or her own bag for golf clubs. It is strictly forbidden for two or more players playing on the course to share the same golf bag.
Only golf may be played on the golf course. Any other activity, such as taking walks or walking animals, even on a lead, is expressly forbidden, as is jogging, or sitting on any part of the course and particularly on the greens, sunbathing, etc. It is forbidden to practice shots, including approach shots or to practice on the greens for entertainment.
The driving range and the recreational putting greens may be used solely and exclusively for recreational practice, according to normal golf usage, and no damage must be caused to the putting greens by, for example, inappropriate footwear or by using clubs which cause divots.
The regulations governing clothing and courtesy will be the same as those included for the course itself in art. 10.
The driving range balls belonging to the club or to the instructor may not be used anywhere outside the driving range, including on the putting green.
The use of electric golf carts, including those rented from the club will be the exclusive responsibility of the user. Anyone using the electric carts in an inappropriate or excessive manner will be held liable by the club for disciplinary and financial penalties.
The management may prohibit the use of electric carts either due to the state of the course, the cart, or for any other reasons which make this advisable. The electric carts may be used by a maximum of two players, and carry a total of no more than two bags.
These carts may only be rented by persons over 16, and there must be at least one person over this age in each vehicle who is responsible for the correct use of the vehicle. It is forbidden to race the carts or to drive dangerously, either by using them on unsuitable terrain such as slopes with a steep gradient or in areas with abundant vegetation which pose a risk of overturning, or by driving too near lakes.
Players using manual golf carts must obtain the corresponding ticket by paying the established fees for their use. At the end of play, they must be returned to the storage depot whence they were obtained. The player will be held liable for disciplinary and financial penalties in the event of any damage caused by misuse.
The changing rooms, changing room washrooms and other complementary clubhouse facilities may only be used by the members and by those who are entitled to play golf at the club.
The changing room lockers may be used by the members who request them after payment of a sum to be agreed by the Governing Board. It is forbidden to leave shoes and clothing used in the game (shirts, socks, etc.) Which may cause disagreeable smells. Only washing items and cosmetics, rainwear, caps, visors etc. May be left in the lockers.
The parking places marked as such will be reserved exclusively for members.
Shareholders running Hotel business shall be able to send daily as many lodgers as shares they possess. To exercise that right Total Maintenance Fee (A Total Fee) must have been paid for every share. Lodgers will receive 50 % discount of the commercial green fee but will not be able to use members’ restricted areas (Members Lounge, parking, etc)
Tenants of Members owning a property in Los Arqueros or Los Aguilares shall be considered, for these purposes, as Lodgers of Hotel Members.
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