GOLF TOURNAMENTS are almost here

GOLF TOURNAMENTS are almost here

GOLF TOURNAMENTS are almost here

These coming weeks will be very active at Los Arqueros Golf. We look forward to start  the next golf tournaments preparations and see everyone playing on the golf course, doing your best shots.

Keep these dates and sign up if you have not done so.


August 3: LA Open.

August 11: Circuit CORPORATE 2019.

The tournaments are an opportunity to share with others our hobbies and concerns, measure our skills, put into practice what we have learned and have fun. But upon all, enjoy the game and the beautiful surroundings.

Did you know that the word tournament was born as a derivative of tornar, from the Latin “tornare” with the meaning of “come back- Return”?

Los Arqueros Golf wishes you some excellent golf days and good luck, with the desire to see you Coming Back to the golf course.

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