Members november meetup

Members november meetup

Golf Meetup Arqueros 7

Every first Fridays of each month at 13:00 hours, the Club Los Arqueros Golf invites Members and Shareholders on Beer & Sausages Barbecue at the “Chiringuito” up on the Driving Range.

The purpose of these meetups are many. Besides the purpose to meetup with other Members, the Golf Director and part of his Staff are there, and also members of the Competition Committee, where Members may have the chance to ask about any issue they would like to talk about.

Frequent questions:

– ¿Why every month?:  Many Members are not here all year around. So this gives everybody the chance to meetup.
– ¿Whom are invited?: Members and Shareholders with inactive shares (sleeping shares).
– ¿What happens if it rains?. It will be moved to the following Friday of the coming week at the same time. ¿And if it rains again?, then that month meetup will be canceled.
– ¿Is this meetup free of charge?: yes.

On Friday November the 1st  was this meetup last held,  with good atmosphere, good sausage and beer (there was even red wine from “Ronda”), sun and raffle prizes from the  HC Hospital in health and beauty products. And the next meeting will be on Friday, January the 3rd  at 13:00 hours.


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