Arqueros Golf BBQ Members Meetup

Arqueros Golf BBQ Members Meetup

Arqueros Bbq Golf 16

Today Friday, February 6th of 2015 our 14ºth Monthly Membership Meetup was held at the at the Chiringuito on the Driving Range at Los Arqueros Golf, in a pleasant atmosphere of barbecued sausages, country “paella” over wood fire, beer, wine … .etc.

Around 100 Members, Committee Members, the Greenkeeper, Golf Secretariat, Environment Technical, and Manager of Golf. Where Members had the opportunity to express opinions and ask questions to the staff there present of Los Arqueros Golf. We also held our “III Tequila Matchplay Competition”, being winner the French “Mr. Guy Vindeou. There was even a drawing for prizes dodging HC Hospitals physiotherapy, beauty treatment and analytical.

As Manager of Los Arqueros Golf I repeat some of what was said in the awards: Year 2015 begins well because we closed the last year with decent numbers and we are starting this one off right. And the good foot begins with Aguilares Golf finally is solved and it is a golf project underway.

The incorporation of new members from La Quinta Golf, approximately 40 whom have decided to choose us as new Club (we give our warmest welcome…). The market accepts our category and price rise, the fruit of our labor and delivery. And this year also will be continue listening to our Members, improving and investing their advice on the Golf Course and Club.

And next Meetup is on the March 6th where we repeat our BBQ, country “paella”, wine, beer, etc …, all Members and Shareholders of the Club being invited.